Friday, October 13, 2006


I upgraded to Blogger in Beta just about as soon as I could. The reason? I suppose that I wanted to make sure I had the newest features. The best of the best. I then proceded to do nothing. I didn't upgrade my layout. I didn't do much of anything. Hell, I barely post at all.

I need to re-organize my main blog roll. Heck, clearing up my reader and bookmarks would be a feat worthy of praise. But I wanted to test the new layout functions. Out comes the old, purposeless blog. Clickety-click.

Wow... nifty!

New look, new features. Went back and added lables to the old posts. Which means I had to read the old posts.

It's amazing how far I feel I've come in a rather short year and a half (or so) since I began this blog.

I got married. I started a much more serious blog. I programmed a game for a competition. I bought a DS Lite. My wife bought a PS2. My brother moved in so he could go to the University College down the street.

It's weird, looking back. I feel so much older and more confident. I read my old posts and I can hear a much younger me talking. It hasn't been all that long, but it has been intense.

So this blog? It gets to be the lab rat. And maybe, if it is good, I'll post some more stuff here.

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