Monday, March 28, 2005

Does This Site Make Me Look Fat?

And so, I am (as usual) the last into this particular pond. Or at least it feels that way. I'm always at least two steps behind any major movement. Even though I am a technologist, a computer geek and a voracious reader I seem to have this knack of being so far behind the learning curve that I can't even see the on-coming semi-truck. This is probably because no one ever tells me anything. Pretty much ever.

I was once told only minutes before that the company was going out for lunch. If I hadn't wandered downstairs (into the vicinity of other employees) I might never have known. I wonder if they would have forgotten me. The Internet certainly would have. And so, I found myself (mere weeks ago) wondering what the hell that little RSS button at the bottom of my browser was. And now I'm becoming addicted to all these lovely blogs. I even managed to create one of my own. Stunning. Several years too late to be cutting edge. Several months too late to be even remotely interesting. Several weeks too late to be relevant. Probably several minutes too late to catch the Next Big Thing (podcasts?). Nevertheless, here I am (for now).

For those non-existent readers of my personal glorification webspace, I welcome you. Or I would, but that would be assuming that I could generate ANY interest at all. For now, I need to get used to blogging. And writing again. Especially in coherent sentences complete with verbs, nouns and all those other little grammatical tools that I can't remember ever actually learning about in elementary school. After that, when even I've gotten sick of my mindless (and often pointless) diatribes about life and what is currently not happening in mine, this may become a place for me to post a few writings. Perhaps even exercise my under-used imagination. Suffice it to say that the "Plan" is not yet complete.

Welcome. Please excuse the clutter, I haven't cleaned up in a while. I'll just be a little bit while I slip into something more readable. What do you think, does this site make me look fat?


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