Sunday, April 10, 2005

Not a Gamer Yet

I don't play non-stop video games. In fact, I hardly play video games at all. I like games with story and challenge and depth. I suck at first person shooters. I have no twitch gaming skills. I don't want a game that will scare me out of my skin or gross me out with realistic gore and violence. I want something I can sink my mind into.

I also have never owned a console or hand-held system. All my young life, my only exposure to game systems was from friends and the occasional rental. I liked to play games, but never often and never too much.

And yet, I love games. They are a part of me. If only because I have stories I want to tell through that medium. There are games I've fallen for and can play for hours on end.

Is there hope for me to become a true gamer yet?

I just bought a Gameboy Advance SP. My first ever handheld. My first ever game system. Probably not my last. I may be late, but perhaps I'll get there yet.

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