Thursday, April 07, 2005

Stupid Consumer Instinct

I've officially made the top contender for "Stupidest Purchase Ever". I just bought (pre-ordered actually) the Special Edition of Jade Empire. Jade Empire is an action RPG developed by Bioware using a totally unique intellectual property. The game is set in mythical China and features kick-ass martial-arts styled fighting. Now that I've officially pitched the game (and not gotten any money for it), I'll tell you why I wanted to get it.

Besides the fact that the Special Edition comes with a bunch of exclusive bonus features, I've always been a sucker for Bioware games. I live in Edmonton (you may start stalking me now!) and have kept an eye on Bioware since I was in Junior High. These guys are my very own "Home Town Heroes". All the better that they make top-selling computer and console games.

I was actually fortunate enough to visit their offices not once, but twice. Each time I saw them, they were bigger, more impressive and more fun loving than ever. I'd love to work there, and I know that I'll have to work my butt off to even get a chance. Needless to say, I'm a fan. And not just because they are local. They truly make games that are fun, engaging and story driven. That's the part that gets me. I love the story. Graphics are nice, sound is wonderful, but if it lacks a compelling story and a way to explore it, then you've lost me.

Ever since I first heard about Jade Empire being released as an Xbox exclusive game, I said that they were going to force me to buy an Xbox. This leads me back to the reason buying Jade Empire was so (so!) dumb.

I Don't Own an XBOX!



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